The perfect gift for
your family, or for a friend.
You can write as much as you want (sent to us on the form below) to accompany the photos on your greeting card.
We will post your greeting card for 90 days. You can edit the text, at any time for $10 or display additional photos for $10 each.
The basic packages
Three photos - $35
Four photos - $42
With receipt of your check, we will mail to you two items: 1) a postage paid 6" x 8" cardboard mailer (to protect your photos during shipment) and 2) a receipt of payment with your password printed on it so you can share your greeting card with your friends and family members.
After you mail your photos (postage paid by us), we will then scan the photos and put your greeting card on the internet. Your photos will be shipped back in the same cardboard photograph mailer (again, postage paid by us).
For additional
information, telephone
(626) 796-3241
or e-mail us at
If you are ready to order:
1) Telephone with your credit card information or send us a check to the address below (payable to the Frequent Florist) and we will send you a pre-paid photo mailer to return to us with your photographs
2) Provide the text to accompany your photos by filling in the appropriate boxes below (you may find it easier to compose your text using your word processing software program like Word or Word Perfect then "cut and paste" the words into the correct boxes if using Windows 95). If you are using Windows 3.x, you have the additional option of writing your title, text and captions using a word processing program then attaching the file to an e-mail. Use whichever option is easiest for you to electronically send us the text.
3) Click on the "send information" button at the bottom of the form. Thank you.
As you know, not all photographs scan with the same clarity and brightness. We are committed to your satisfaction; if you are unhappy with the quality of your greeting card please bring this to our attention. If we are unable to improve the quality to your satisfaction, we will refund your money.
Please do not mail irreplaceable, unique, or extremely valuable photographs because we are unable to guarantee their condition as a result of shipment -- although the risk is very, very small, there is a possibility that they may get damaged or lost in the mail.
Be sure to keep your negatives in a safe place in case you need to make a duplicate photo. is a Frequent Florist Company
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